Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Art of Writing a Thank You Note

I think it is quiet the lost art, so when I saw this, I immediately felt the need to reblog it. Enjoy, and remember, being polite shouldn't be lost just because we have the internet, and cellphones.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

How Many Times...

Sister, don’t you rename yourself. You see a tiny portion of your life; you do not see the entire story. Don’t name your day or your life or your identity based on any untruth about the Lord. You don’t know what happens next in your story, but you absolutely know the Lord wants good for you all the days of your life. You absolutely can bet on the truth that you are loved with an everlasting Love and you have a Father who will take care of all that you need.

Wait for the Lord. Wait for Him to turn the page before you rename yourself.

Was, the message today during my devotional study, Particularly important because of my desire to push myself in an authentic way everyday.  Please, Take a moment to read

  • Ruth 1

  • Ruth 4:13-17

May there be a message of hope for you there as well.  You can read it easily, here.  Now, on to my post for the day.  :)

I wasn't expecting to do a post today, not even one bit...

But like the lyrics in my new favorite song, "Well, everybody's got a story to tell / And everybody's got a wound to be healed / I want to believe there's beauty here / 'Cause oh, I get so tired of holding on / I can't let go, I can't move on / I want to believe there's meaning here ... Though I walk, Though I walk through the shadows / And I, I am so afraid / Please stay, please stay right beside me / With every single step I take / How many times have you heard me cry out? / And how many times have you given me strength?"  - "Need You Now (How Many Times)" - By: Plumb.

While reading today's devotion from She Reads Truth, God gave  me a very clear message reinforced by the beautiful music shared above.  He has been my strength time and time again though-out my life.  In good times, and in the darkness, He has been there.  Even now, when my soul cries out to Him, "I need You now!"  He is there, I may not have had my answer until today.  But He has chosen to bless me with the most beautiful message I could have ever have hoped for from my Father.  He is there, and He has given me strength.  He named me Sheila-Lynne.

He blessed me with the strength, to carry on.  He has stood right beside me, while I chose to give up my older boys for adoption.  He stood beside me giving me strength, while my children and I were homeless; me having been pregnant with my youngest at the time.  I have walked through the shadows, indeed.  But God's glorious light, has seen me into the light.  He granted me strength, countless  times.

Our Heavenly Father wants to be there for us, He wants our praises constantly.  Not only should we sing His praises when everything in our lives is going well, but we should give praise, for the strength He grants, while we are struggling and on our knees in the dark.

It is my prayer today, that if you are on a hard road; and you feel all alone... Remember, He is there with you, guiding you.  You just need to keep going, trust that His will is to guide you to where you need to be in your life.  If you are afraid and alone - please seek out your sisters in faith and we will pray together.  For our Father to give you the strength you need to make it through the difficult times you are having.

May God Bless these words, and I pray they seek out someone who is in much need to hear the message,  that needs the strength of our Savior and His Father while they are in the dark, and seeking out God's love and His light.

Authenticity Rocks,


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Scheduled Family Is A Happy Family

I haven't ever been a scheduled woman, I am prompt, and follow my own drummer, however; now that I am getting back to school, I need a working schedule for myself and my family.  Without it, I am sure school will not go well at all, this is the schedule that I have come up with.

7:00 Wake, Pray, Make Bed

7:15 Spiritual Reading, Check Calendar

7:30 Shower, Dress, Fix Hair and Make-up

7:45 Check Email, Post Blog Entry

8:00 Set table, load dishwasher, start breakfast

8:15 Wake kids, supervise room tidying and bed making, potty-time/change diapers

9:00 Zone cleaning, unload dishwasher from previous night, de-clutter (5 minutes each)

9:15 Clean up after breakfast, load dishwasher, give kids activity to do

10:15 Outside time

11:15 Inside kids help unload dishwasher and “reboot” laundry

NOON Lunch, read to kids, do dinner prep, prepare naptime water cups

12:45 Brush teeth

1:00 Kids naptime

1:30 Next days’ blog

2:30 Check homework plan

3:00 Wake/feed/playtime Scarlet

4:00 Wake kids potty time/change diapers

4:15 Snack, Dinner prep, “hot spots” 5 minute “room rescue”

5:00 Homework

5:45 Feed Scarlet

6:00 Dinner

6:45 Brush teeth, Kids pj’s

7:00 Clean Kitchen/Dining Room/Run Dishwasher

7:30 Empty Trash can, lay out clothes

7:45 Make morning cups, prep breakfast/Check locks

8:00 Homework

10:00 Spend time together, talk, read

11:00 Sleep

I have taken years finding one that I stick to, I am praying that I stick to this one, I am implementing it slowly but surely.  I live by the saying, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."  And right now, this hipster momma ain't happy.  Over the years I have began reading several blogs by mothers.  Do you have a household schedule?  What have you found that works for you?   If you could give a fellow reader a tip, when beginning a schedule; What would that advice be?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Authenticity Rocks


“You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.”    ― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Authenticity Rocks (Image from

     Fifteen years ago, authenticity was something I struggled with.  I was not the popular girl, or the cheerleader, I wasn't the top student, or in any sports.  Coming from a family with four older siblings, and being adopted helped create a struggle deep in the depths of my core.  I didn't know who I was.  When I looked into the mirror, the young girl I saw looking back at me was not someone I chose to accept.  I didn't like that I was different.  That I was goth, but was in love with being what I still to this day consider being a country girl.

     Growing up in a upper-middle class community in southeastern Wisconsin, for me, was the worst nightmare anyone could endure.  I marched to my own drummer, even then.  I changed my hair color to black, wore black clothing, was obsessed with all things "Goth."  Until one day, I met this boy in an automotive repair class.  M as I'll call him, was a like the definition of amazing, in my dark world.  He was a country boy to the core of his being.  And he brought me more understanding of myself, than I am sure he ever realized so many years ago.  He was just back from boot camp, the day he strolled into class, in his cowboy boots, and blue jeans and the crisp white t-shirt he was wearing.  He offered to give me a ride home a few days later, and that began the insane spiral of transition from the depressed goth chick into a down-home country lyric singing teenage girl in love.    I changed everything I knew just to fit in with his friends.  My parents bought new clothes, cowgirl boots, and I dropped a cool hundred on a stetson cowboy hat.  A year and a half later, our love fizzled.  Away went the country girl clothes, and out came the goth clothing, but this time there was hipster punk inflections seen in my style.

     I was the embodiment of a teenage girl looking to fit in and be accepted wherever and by whomever would accept my wild style and outrageous actions.  In my small close knit group I was the rebel, the defender, the fighter.  My personality never changed, but the outward appearance was in constant battle with what was instyle in the popular crowd.

Until one day...

     When I moved out of that small opinionated town, how I saw myself changed.  I was unique, I was awesome, and everything I was should be accepted by everyone I wanted as my friend, or they could...kick rocks.  I made new friends with ease.  I had my own style and it changed with what my mood was at any given moment.  But I had a core style.  I was a hipster.  I had a devil-may-care attitude.  And that attitude taught me not to conform.

     To this day, that young girl - unwilling to conform, striving for independence, and beating to her own drummer still exists.  Even though I am now a parent of three amazing children, and I am getting back out into the world, going to school and revamping my life, I will not conform.  That is why I am going to school for eMarketing, for social media.  I want to be out there, be myself, make a difference.  Only this time?  That young vibrant girl now has a forum, and her voice will be heard.
This hipster is devoted to be authentic.  And I will raise my children to strive to be authentic.  This is the opportunity for me to fight for the goths, the scene kids, the Juggalos, the emo kids.  Not because I agree with everything each of them stand for,  but because it is their right, to - BE AUTHENTIC.

Follow @ #AuthenticityRocks #BeAuthentic

Authenticity Rocks,

Sheila Lynne

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Shabby Apple - Simply Delicious!

Dresses from Shabby Apple

I am so excited to announce that I won a raffle at the blog "Army Tankers Wife," for a $50 Gift Card to Shabby Apple.  As soon as I received the code, I placed my order for the Wild Berry Pie apron.  I am totally pleased with the ordering system they have in place.  It is very simple to navigate through.  Also, From the time I was notified about winning, it only took the business day to receive the code to my gift card.  I am looking forward to getting this terrific gift in the mail.  Upon receiving, I will be doing another post with pictures, and share the fun with all of you.  I am so pleased with the style that Shabby Apple has to offer.  And because of that, am pleased to announce that I am now an affiliate of Shabby Apple!  I am a total supporter of their epic retro designs, and the quality of style that they have.  Let me know if you enjoy them as much as I do!!  #ShabbyApple 

Authenticity Rocks,

Sheila Lynne

Shabby Apple - Simply Delicious!

Dresses from Shabby Apple
I am so excited to announce that I won a raffle at the blog "Army Tankers Wife," for a $50 Gift Card to Shabby Apple.  As soon as I received the code, I placed my order for the Wild Berry Pie apron.  I am totally pleased with the ordering system they have in place.  It is very simple to navigate through.  Also, From the time I was notified about winning, it only took the business day to receive the code to my gift card.  I am looking forward to getting this terrific gift in the mail.  Upon receiving, I will be doing another post with pictures, and share the fun with all of you.  I am so pleased with the style that Shabby Apple has to offer.  And because of that, am pleased to announce that I am now an affiliate of Shabby Apple!  I am a total supporter of their epic retro designs, and the quality of style that they have.  Let me know if you enjoy them as much as I do!!  #ShabbyApple 

Authenticity Rocks, 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Are You Hot?

What makes a woman hot??

       I put some thought into this one, and even asked a few male friends of mine what they truly think makes a woman hot.  However, I told them to leave anything to do with a woman's body and what she wears. 

         The traits they came up with are undeniable.  They do make a woman "Hot."

    1. Personality
    2. Heart
    3. Strength - but not above asking for help
    4. Independent
       I think those are definetly the top of the list for what a woman needs to have and be for her to be considered HOT.  What do you think makes a woman hot?  Are these on your list, or something else?

Authenticity Rocks,

Are You Hot?

What makes a woman hot??

       I put some thought into this one, and even asked a few male friends of mine what they truly think makes a woman hot.  However, I told them to leave anything to do with a woman's body and what she wears. 

         The traits they came up with are undeniable.  They do make a woman "Hot."

    1. Personality
    2. Heart
    3. Strength - but not above asking for help
    4. Independent
       I think those are definetly the top of the list for what a woman needs to have and be for her to be considered HOT.  What do you think makes a woman hot?  Are these on your list, or something else?

Authenticity Rocks,

Authenticity Rocks

“You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

 (Image from

     Fifteen years ago, authenticity was something I struggled with.  I was not the popular girl, or the cheerleader, I wasn't the top student, or in any sports.  Coming from a family with four older siblings, and being adopted helped create a struggle deep in the depths of my core.  I didn't know who I was.  When I looked into the mirror, the young girl I saw looking back at me was not someone I chose to accept.  I didn't like that I was different.  That I was goth, but was in love with being what I still to this day consider being a country girl. 

     Growing up in a upper-middle class community in southeastern Wisconsin, for me, was the worst nightmare anyone could endure.  I marched to my own drummer, even then.  I changed my hair color to black, wore black clothing, was obsessed with all things "Goth."  Until one day, I met this boy in an automotive repair class.  M as I'll call him, was a like the definition of amazing, in my dark world.  He was a country boy to the core of his being.  And he brought me more understanding of myself, than I am sure he ever realized so many years ago.  He was just back from boot camp, the day he strolled into class, in his cowboy boots, and blue jeans and the crisp white t-shirt he was wearing.  He offered to give me a ride home a few days later, and that began the insane spiral of transition from the depressed goth chick into a down-home country lyric singing teenage girl in love.    I changed everything I knew just to fit in with his friends.  My parents bought new clothes, cowgirl boots, and I dropped a cool hundred on a stetson cowboy hat.  A year and a half later, our love fizzled.  Away went the country girl clothes, and out came the goth clothing, but this time there was hipster punk inflections seen in my style.

     I was the embodiment of a teenage girl looking to fit in and be accepted wherever and by whomever would accept my wild style and outrageous actions.  In my small close knit group I was the rebel, the defender, the fighter.  My personality never changed, but the outward appearance was in constant battle with what was instyle in the popular crowd.  

Until one day...

     When I moved out of that small opinionated town, how I saw myself changed.  I was unique, I was awesome, and everything I was should be accepted by everyone I wanted as my friend, or they could...kick rocks.  I made new friends with ease.  I had my own style and it changed with what my mood was at any given moment.  But I had a core style.  I was a hipster.  I had a devil-may-care attitude.  And that attitude taught me not to conform.  

     To this day, that young girl - unwilling to conform, striving for independence, and beating to her own drummer still exists.  Even though I am now a parent of three amazing children, and I am getting back out into the world, going to school and revamping my life, I will not conform.  That is why I am going to school for eMarketing, for social media.  I want to be out there, be myself, make a difference.  Only this time?  That young vibrant girl now has a forum, and her voice will be heard. 

     This hipster is devoted to be authentic.  And I will raise my children to strive to be authentic.  This is the opportunity for me to fight for the goths, the scene kids, the Juggalos, the emo kids.  Not because I agree with everything each of them stand for,  but because it is their right, to - BE AUTHENTIC.  

Follow @ #AuthenticityRocks #BeAuthentic

Authenticity Rocks,

Sheila Lynne

Authenticity Rocks

“You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass
 (Image from

     Fifteen years ago, authenticity was something I struggled with.  I was not the popular girl, or the cheerleader, I wasn't the top student, or in any sports.  Coming from a family with four older siblings, and being adopted helped create a struggle deep in the depths of my core.  I didn't know who I was.  When I looked into the mirror, the young girl I saw looking back at me was not someone I chose to accept.  I didn't like that I was different.  That I was goth, but was in love with being what I still to this day consider being a country girl. 

     Growing up in a upper-middle class community in southeastern Wisconsin, for me, was the worst nightmare anyone could endure.  I marched to my own drummer, even then.  I changed my hair color to black, wore black clothing, was obsessed with all things "Goth."  Until one day, I met this boy in an automotive repair class.  M as I'll call him, was a like the definition of amazing, in my dark world.  He was a country boy to the core of his being.  And he brought me more understanding of myself, than I am sure he ever realized so many years ago.  He was just back from boot camp, the day he strolled into class, in his cowboy boots, and blue jeans and the crisp white t-shirt he was wearing.  He offered to give me a ride home a few days later, and that began the insane spiral of transition from the depressed goth chick into a down-home country lyric singing teenage girl in love.    I changed everything I knew just to fit in with his friends.  My parents bought new clothes, cowgirl boots, and I dropped a cool hundred on a stetson cowboy hat.  A year and a half later, our love fizzled.  Away went the country girl clothes, and out came the goth clothing, but this time there was hipster punk inflections seen in my style.

     I was the embodiment of a teenage girl looking to fit in and be accepted wherever and by whomever would accept my wild style and outrageous actions.  In my small close knit group I was the rebel, the defender, the fighter.  My personality never changed, but the outward appearance was in constant battle with what was instyle in the popular crowd.  

Until one day...

     When I moved out of that small opinionated town, how I saw myself changed.  I was unique, I was awesome, and everything I was should be accepted by everyone I wanted as my friend, or they could...kick rocks.  I made new friends with ease.  I had my own style and it changed with what my mood was at any given moment.  But I had a core style.  I was a hipster.  I had a devil-may-care attitude.  And that attitude taught me not to conform.  

     To this day, that young girl - unwilling to conform, striving for independence, and beating to her own drummer still exists.  Even though I am now a parent of three amazing children, and I am getting back out into the world, going to school and revamping my life, I will not conform.  That is why I am going to school for eMarketing, for social media.  I want to be out there, be myself, make a difference.  Only this time?  That young vibrant girl now has a forum, and her voice will be heard. 

     This hipster is devoted to be authentic.  And I will raise my children to strive to be authentic.  This is the opportunity for me to fight for the goths, the scene kids, the Juggalos, the emo kids.  Not because I agree with everything each of them stand for,  but because it is their right, to - BE AUTHENTIC.  

Follow @ #AuthenticityRocks #BeAuthentic

Authenticity Rocks,

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Behind Hipster & Cookies

I believe it obvious that my blog has flairs of another time period. One reminiscent of women living in the kitchen, where the household was ran by the wife, but the husband was the head of the household. Things are quite different now in 2013. Women work and go to school, and still have to find time to cook, clean, and care for the children of the family. I find that Hipsters harken back the the independent women of that era, that maintained their lifestyle in a forward thinking, devil-may-care attitude. They were ALWAYS authentic to what they believed in.

Sticking with the era where women ruled in the kitchen, many of those women I admire are amazing in the kitchen, both meals and baked goods. Cookies are my favorite treat to bake. However, mine are unique just like Hipsters are. My cookies, are moist, like brownies, thicker like a finely created mix between a brownie and a cake.

How these things fit me, are clear, the hipster part of me I feel should be clarified. Growing up I was a rebel, and I maintained individuality however battled with fitting in anywhere. Almost 15 years later, I have finally become quite comfortable with my non-conformist ways. I enjoy being unique, but not so far out there, that I'm not business partner worthy, or do things for shock factor. I am proud of finally being able to be authentic with other people, but more importantly - with myself.

I believe fully that Authenticity Rocks; And it is my desire to influence women to that same acceptance in their own lives, while, pushing other women to find that peace within themselves as well.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Welcome to Hipsters and Cookies!

Hi Everyone!!!
This is Sheila-Lynne - I'm the author from the blog at Mommy Hearts Coffee!

I am PROUD to announce  that I have updated, and taken a few steps to put more effort into my blog and I chose to rename it as well. 

I would love to welcome you to this joyous new opening of my new blog! This is my official announcement of the beginning of Hipsters and Cookies!

Warm Wishes,

Welcome to Hipsters and Cookies!

Hi Everyone!!!
This is Sheila-Lynne - I'm the author from the blog at Mommy Hearts Coffee!

I am PROUD to announce  that I have updated, and taken a few steps to put more effort into my blog and I chose to rename it as well. 

I would love to welcome you to this joyous new opening of my new blog! This is my official announcement of the beginning of Hipsters and Cookies!

Warm Wishes,